


Junegunn Choi (junegunn)

vim-plug is a minimalist plugin manager for Vim. It allows you to specify the plugins to use as a list or URLs and it takes care of downloading or removing them according to it.


  • As you can see in Plugin installation, installing plugins is as easy as to clone them in the correct folder. And deleting them is as easy as to delete their directories. However, having a plugin manager can be very useful to keep your Vem configuration in your vemrc file.

  • Since vim-plug is a special kind of plugin, to install it you just have to copy this single file inside the ~/.config/vem/autoload directory of your Vem configuration. Follow the instructions in vim-plug's README file for more information.


This is an example of how to add your plugin configuration to your vemrc file:

call plug#begin('~/.config/vem/plugins')
    Plug ''
    Plug ''
    Plug ''
    Plug ''
call plug#end()

" vim-plug calls reset the filetype indent to 'on'
" to keep Vem default value of 'off' keep this line here
filetype indent off

The first time that you add this list, or every time you modify it, you can use the following commands to make changes to your installed plugins (remember to restart Vem every time you modify the list to make the configuration changes effective):


install new plugins in the list


install new plugins and update present ones


delete plugins that are not in the list anymore

You can also run:


to update the vim-plug plugin itself

Keeping your Vem configuration under revision control

With the above configuration all plugins will be installed in the ~/.config/vem/plugins directory. If you want to keep your Vem configuration (ie. your ~/.config/vem directory) under revision control, for example using Git, you may want to add the following line to your ~/.config/vem/.gitignore file so the plugin folder is not included in the repository:


Note that the plugins themselves are git repositories and you would run into problems if you don't ignore them. (The alternative is to use the submodules or subtrees features of git to embed other repositories inside your own, but ignoring them and having the list in your vemrc file with the help of vim-plug is significantly simpler than using those).

If you want to reuse your configuration in a different system, you then only have to clone your repository into ~/.config/vem, launch Vem and run :PlugInstall to download all listed plugins.