

To install Vem, just clone the source from GitHub and execute the Makefile inside:

git clone
cd vem
sudo make install

Now the commands:

  • vem for using Vem with Vim

  • nvem for using Vem with NeoVim

  • gvem for using Vem with the graphical version of Vim

should be available in your terminal.

Alternatively, you can download the latest version from here.


The only requirement to run Vem is to have Vim 7.4 or greater or, alternatively, any version of Neovim installed in the system.

Vim 7.4 or greater

You can easily check if you have Vim installed in your system by running the command:

vim --version

If Vim is installed, vim --version will also display the version and which features are enabled in it. Most Unix/Linux systems come with Vim already pre-installed. However, in some cases, the installed package is not the latest version or it is a minimal package that lacks some of the features offered by the full editor.

If vim is not installed or it is not a full version, you can install directly from the repositories of your Linux distribution:


sudo apt install vim


sudo dnf install vim


sudo pacman -S vim


sudo zypper -n install vim

Or using brew in the case of MacOS:


brew install vim


To check if Neovim is installed, you can execute:

nvim --version

Unlike Vim, Neovim packages all the features enabled by default so if it is installed you should be good to go. However, you may double check that you have the following packages installed in your system:

* ``xsel`` or ``xclip`` in the case of Linux
* ``pbcopy`` and ``pbpaste`` in the case of MacOS

since Neovim relies on them to make use of the system clipboard.